More old stuff from 2005-2009
Red thread in the forest and what can be done with it. Thing in itself or smth to play with? /Nodar.Portugal- Mooste, Estonia/
Category: performance
Sonic Scratch Cycles
Sonic Scratch Cycles
/ 2011 (collaboration with John Grzinich)
Drawings and sound (various lengths and sizes)
An ongoing series of site-specific investigations whereby the duo engages in a structured improvisation using sound and drawing. John ‘sonifies’ spaces and landscapes using objects and materials found on site. Evelyn draws what she hears filtered through headphones that record the sounds using binaural microphones that simulate human hearing. The improvisation lasts as long as it takes John to make one 360 degree cycle around Evelyn. the exhibition is arranged in such a way that the sensory roles become inverted, the listener takes the place of the visual creator and the viewer takes the place of the auditory creator. I become you, you become me.