A few days ago received my copy of the ‘elffriede soundrawing‘ project. The story goes that artist elffreide sent her drawings to 34 different sound artists and musicians. Each recipient was in turn asked to make a short song or piece based on the drawing. The results would be published as a book of the drawings and an audio CD of the pieces made about the drawings. And so it is. The whole package is well done and is being published by transacoustic-research in Vienna. The book was printed at extrapool in Nijmegen which of course gives it a special quality. As there are 34 contributors to the CD the pieces are limited to 2 minutes which gives more of a feeling of sound sketches. The sounds are diverse, from acoustic instrumentals to soundscape pieces to glitchy electronic works that even border on the elektro-pop spectrum. I’m mainly familiar with the artists whom elffreide mainly met last year at PostsovkhoZ 6 (as I did); murmer, maksims shentelevs, riho kall, mari kalkun, grit ruhland, konrad behr, hitoshi kojo and phill niblock. Many images and all the tracks seem to also be available from elffreide’s website.